Monday, November 12, 2012

The S & S Executive Committee is back in action!

Just a quick little blog to let you know that the Sugar & Stilettos Executive Committee had it's first meeting of the new season yesterday...OOH LA out 2013...we are on our way!!!

We were so happy to see each other again and start planning the 2013 S & S Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity already slated for Saturday May 18, 2013...MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!

So many good ideas were being bantered about to create an even more spectacular event. We all agreed that the MOST important improvement we can make is to get a lot of PR...meaning television coverage, print stories, radio interviews and internet do that we may have to pay BIG TIME for some professional help...hopefully if we do have to pay maybe some kind hearted PR maven will at least discount their fees (but not their passion for our mission!). If any of you have any ideas or know anyone that could help us in this area please, please let us is key to growing the event and thus raising more money for the Westside Food Bank and St. Joseph Center's Food Pantry program.

Remember that EVERY dollar counts...the Westside Food Bank can turn a dollar in to four (4) meals and St. Joseph Center can fill a bag of groceries for less than $5.00 (retail value $40.00)...everyone can truly make a difference in a child/family's daily life.

Our beautiful meeting table
Besides all our planning we ate, drank, laughed and were quite merry. I even made my sinfully buttery NYC Style Crumb Cake to go along with all the other goodies and champagne. We also welcomed another Nancy (this one with a "y" not "i" like me) to our group. She is a long time friend of Jacklynn and Casey's and brings to the table a wealth of non-profit experience not to mention a passion for baking. Welcome Nancy to our crazy and sweet Sugar & Stilettos world!

As always I'll keep you updated with the latest S & S news...happy baking!

xoxo Nanci

Friday, November 9, 2012

Joshua and Louis ROCK THE HOUSE at the Operation Mend Presentation!!!

Me, Joshua, Louis and my Parents
Well, I know I just wrote a blog about Joshua's Bar Mitzvah...and I know, well, at least I think I know that I mentioned that Joshua would be donating a good portion of his Bar Mitzvah money to Operation Mend at UCLA and that that amount, $6,500.00, would be matched by my parents' friend, Christa Burke, through her foundation bringing the total to $13,000.00...not to mention a handful of donations that have been made directly to OM.

Joshua and Louis with Operation Mend founder, Ron Katz and his daughter-in-law, Dana
However, I also know that I didn't say anything at all about the television interviews or the article by AP that has gone viral nationally including making it on to The Huffington Post or all the radio coverage the story got this morning including NPR...well, because I couldn't, because it hadn't happened yet...and because it was all so unexpected and last minute. Oh, there was a plan for the presentation of the check with Joshua and Louis at the Operation Mend offices but all the press stuff began to happen just 24 hours before that event which was yesterday at 4pm...OOH LA LA and then some!

Louis in front of the camera
Once Amy Albin of UCLA's Media Office called me (she is a real cracker jack!) with the news of some of this press attention, life became a whirlwind of activity. There were television interviews with KCBS/KCAL, KABC and Fox News plus a phone interview with AP...the excitement for everyone was electric...and there was celebrating all around....lots of smiling, happy people.

Joshua and me happy as can be
Afterwards, Joshua and I went out to dinner with Louis, my parents and sister-in-law, Jacklynn Evans, who is simply the BEST aunt in the world, not to mention extraordinary cheerleader! We had such fun... and our hearts were lifted with the privilege of being able to be fully engaged, caring human beings...simply magical.

Needless to say...even though I am very tired today I am beyond proud of my son, my family, our beloved Louis and the entire crew at Operation Mend. Please feel free to make a donation if you are so inclined...

xoxo Nanci

P.S. Here is a picture of Stella Dahlman (22 months), Louis and Laura's adorable daughter...another reason to smile.

P.S.S. If you have a minute or two here are two of the links to check out the television reports...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Joshua's Big Bar Mitzvah Day!

OMG...I cannot believe that it has been so long since I last wrote a blog...please forgive me! My only excuse is that I've been a little bit busy. I had barely recovered from the 2012 Sugar & Stilettos Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity when I had to head full speed ahead with the final planning for Joshua's Bar Mitzvah...OY VEY and OOH LA LA is all I can say. I swear I am still in a stupor from this year of uber organizing!

Me, My Parents, Cantor Kent, Joshua, Rabbi Joel on the Bimah
Anyway, I am thrilled to report that the Bar Mitzvah was an absolutely incredible experience for one and all. Joshua did a brilliant job with his Torah portion, his Haftorah, his D'Var Torah...well, just all things Torah! I was so proud of seeing both of my parents so happy was an extra special bonus.

The night before my parents hosted a dinner for all the out-of-town guests plus a few in town folks. There was Josh wine (yes, there is a vineyard in northern California that produces Josh wines!), Josh photo cookies and a lot of eating, drinking, laughing and loving.

The Bar Mitzvah Boy/Man
The next morning began by getting to the temple a bit early to start the picture taking with our nearest and dearest. I hobbled around because, of course, I had to get a stress fracture on my right foot two weeks before this momentous event...however, I will tell you that there was nothing that was going to keep me from enjoying this day to the fullest. In fact, a few days in advance I told all the people that I had hired that I was no longer available...that they had "to talk amongst themselves" and solve any last minute problems because I was now in pure enjoyment mode. Gratefully, they all listened to me, and if there were any snafus, to this day I still don't know about them.

The Cousins
Our guests were streaming in the entire time. With a bunch of pictures already taken, everyone headed into the sanctuary where the service was to take place. Our wonderful Rabbi Joel and Cantor Kent lead the service with our Senior Rabbi Zoe making a special blessing at the end. Throughout, Joshua held his composure, a remarkable feat considering all the pressure and preparation leading up to was me and my parents, not to mention many of our friends and family members, who lost it at various times. Particularly touching was the presentation of the Tallit (prayer shawl) by my parents, the aliyahs said by our closest family and friends and the passing of the Torah from one generation to another. So amazing to think that we were now a part of this four thousand year old tradition.

Confetti Blast during Traditional Chair Dance
Greatly relieved and ready to party everyone went out into the lobby to have a nosh and a drink before going in to the Social Hall for the party and luncheon. There was rock and rollin' dancing galore, great food, the candle lighting ceremony, the Joshua montage, my thank you/welcoming speech and Joshua's presentation of a Medal of Honor for our Operation Mend soldier, Louis Dahlman...a standing ovation for Louis spontaneously happened and I assure there was not a dry eye in the house, including Louis himself...a priceless, breathtaking moment.

Grandpa & JB with their matching rings
Joshua's Mitzvah project was to raise awareness for the Operation Mend program at UCLA whose mission it is to heal the wounds of war by helping to heal our wounded warriors. We have been a buddy family for Louis and his family for over three years...for us, they are now a part of our family forever...we adore them. It was a privilege to be able to include Louis, Laura and their toddler daughter, Stella, in this celebration...all of it Joshua's idea. Joshua also decided to donate $6,500.00 of his Bar Mitzvah money to Operation Mend which was matched by my parents' friend, Christa Burke, through her foundation bringing the total to $13,000.00 plus a few other donations that were made directly to the organization. I simply couldn't have prouder of my son than I was.

I could go on and on but I won't...I know you get the idea...suffice it to say, it was a glorious day filled with profound meaning and gravitas, but also humor and fun...and much, much love. A perfect day in every way...

xoxo Nanci

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2 Jewish Girls and a Gun - A Modern Day Horror Story

My first week of vacation in Sun Valley was spent with my best friend, Penny, who came from Chicago to join me. This was our first vacation together only took us 30 years to accomplish this! Living in different cities for most of our friendship (her Chicago, me LA, NYC and Paris), husbands (hers, not mine) and children (both of ours) seemed to always get in the way...but we finally figured it out and oh boy, what a blast we had...we simply could not stop laughing...

We ate, we drank, we walked, we talked, we slept in, we shopped, we did a bit of Bar Mitzvah planning and then we did the unthinkable...we took a trap/skeet shooting class at the Sun Valley Gun Club...yep, you read that right! I had jokingly showed Penny a brochure for the class to which her response was, "Let's do this!" My reaction was, "Are you kidding?! I've never even touched a gun let alone shot one...they terrify've lost your mind!" Two minutes later I was on the phone arranging our lesson...what a wimpy pushover I am!

Sally Starr and Annie Oakley
We arrived at the Gun Club ready to play with the "big boys" so to speak. The only problem was that every time a shot rang out I jumped ten feet in the air which sent Penny into gales of laughter. We managed to get ourselves under control before we met our coach, Dick...I swear this man will never be the same! He immediately taught us how to hold the rifle...good thinking on his part...we then put our protective vests on and off we went to set the world (or at least Sun Valley) on fire with our gunning talents.

Dick continued to give us a basic tutorial on gun safety and how to hold and aim. I told him I wanted to bet him $50.00 that I wouldn't hit one target the entire hour. He refused saying that he was sure that I would...oh, what a dreamer that Dick was because the target was not a stationery bullseye but a little pink disk that would be flying in the air after we screamed out "PULL"...imagine trying to hit a flying disk...too crazy to contemplate.

Annie Oakley (ME!) and Dick, our brave coach...just look at my stellar form!
Dick took turns with Penny and I and it was clear from the git go that Penny was the more gifted terms of concentration, shooting and actually hitting the target. But, the old competitor in me must have kicked in at some point because I too began to hit that little pink disk...for a total of 4 times during the's a good thing that Dick did not take my bet...I guess this guy really knows a thing or two about this whole process!

Anyway, by the end of it all Penny and I were quite proud of ourselves...high fiving all over the place like two drunk sorority girls. We had such fun...who knew?!

Say a prayer for Dick!
So now all I can say to all of you reading this afraid, be very afraid when you next see Penny or me...we are now pistol (really rifle) packing' mamas...and one last thing...STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE whenever you's quite exhilarating...Penny and I are already thinking of what we'll do on our next trip together...stayed tuned for more adventures from Sugar, Stilettos and Shotguns!

xoxo Nanci

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stilettos, Tiaras, Sashes and $10,000.00...OH MY!!!

Well, it's official...we reached our goal of raising $10,000.00 this year at the Second Annual Sugar and Stilettos Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity on May 19, 2012 once again benefiting the Westside Food Bank and St. Joseph Center's Food Pantry. The $5,000.00 that each organization is receiving will translate into 20,000 meals at the WFB and 1,000 bags of groceries at SJC. This will literally feed hundreds, if not thousands, of women and their children in our community who are suffering from hunger and food instability.

All I can say is OOH LA LA and how incredibly grateful I am to everyone who donated their time, talent, money and goods to make this event the tremendous success that it was. To see the three (3) photo albums that my stunning niece, Casey Neidorf, put together just click on the link below...I guarantee that you will start smiling and laughing immediately!

To have have even more fun click on the link below to see a six minute video clip of the Mr. Sugar & Stilettos crowning ceremony...priceless!

Really, need I say more?! I don't think so...ENJOY!

xoxo Nanci

P.S. A PR video of the entire event will be posted shortly so keep checking back for the latest update...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Richard Lewis & Steven Weber ROCKED the House at the Bake Sale!!!

All I can say is that if you missed The Second Annual Sugar & Stilettos Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity on May 19th benefiting the Westside Food Bank and St. Joseph Center's food pantry you missed a hilarious, fun-filled, sugar-feuled afternoon full of laughter, joy and magical was SPECTACULAR and AMAZING beyond belief...our wildest dreams couldn't have predicted the success we experienced...with everything from the new upscaled look of the the incredible treats and donated gifts we had to sell and raffle the Mr. Sugar & Stilettos 2012 "crowing ceremony" with Richard Lewis and Steven Weber (so hysterical that I am still smiling just thinking about it)...

Me, Steven Weber, Richard Lewis & my son, Joshua...what a group!
To top everything off, we are so very close to meeting our goal of raising $10,000.00! Checks are still coming in so I am completely confident that, not only will we meet that goal, we may even exceed it a bit...OOH LA LA...that makes me ECSTATICALLY happy!

I certainly am exhausted and continuing to recover, but I must admit to being in a state of bliss as well. I can not thank everyone enough for all your loving support and help in pulling this event heart is bursting with gratitude...

As soon as all the professional photos and video are in and edited I will share them with the meantime feast your eyes on the photo above that my sister-in-law, Jacklynn, took...isn't it making you giddy and happy simply looking at it?!

May sweetness surround you every day bringing joy into your life as it does mine...

xoxo Your ever devoted Sugar Queen, Nanci

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sugary Sweets & Stunning Stilettos = FABULOUS FUN!!!

I am going to be quick and to the point...for me to do this it is an absolute miracle of, here's the skinny...

Sinful Vegan Red Velvet Cake from Jamaica's Cakes
The Second Annual SUGAR & STILETTOS Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity slated for May 19, 2012/11am-3pm once again benefiting the Westside Food Bank and St. Joseph Center's Food Pantry is less than five weeks away...OOH LA LA!!!

Mr. Sugar & Stilettos 2011, comedian Richard Lewis, with me and my son, Joshua
Just take a look at these three pictures from last year...

Sweet Butter Kitchen & Cafe's Sexy Stiletto Cupcakes
And you'll know that you can't miss a minute of the FUN this year...I mean, really, need I say more?! I don't think so...

See you on May 19th!

xoxo Nanci aka Your Sugar Queen

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

GET READY because The Second Annual SUGAR & STILETTOS Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity is almost here!!!

OMG, OMG, OMG...May 19th is just around the corner...I am practically hyperventilating from all the excitement! If you haven't already done so MARK YOUR CALENDARS...get your "you know what" moving and WRITE IT DOWN....The Second Annual SUGAR & STILETTOS Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity will take place on May 19, 2012/11am-3pm once again benefiting the Westside Food Bank and St. Joseph Center's Food Pantry. I guarantee you that this year's event is going to be even bigger, better and, of course, sweeter!

How do I know this? Because I've been planning like a crazy woman and these are just a few of the new things happening...

1. Look at this stunning $2,000.00 diamond tiara necklace up for raffle, donated by Cheryl Alpert of XIV Karats Jewelers in Beverly are $25.00 each...for details on how to enter go the the website home page -

2. JESSICA ALBA...yes, you heard me right...has autographed a pair of her "kitten heels" stilettos from her very own closet and donated them for us to are $10.00 each...details are also on the website's home page.

3. ANA ORTIZ from "Ugly Betty" and Marc Cherry's new show, "Devious Maids" is also autographing a pair of her Prada "kitten heel" stilettos for us to are $10.00 each...details will be posted soon.

4. In addition to all our professional bakeries from last year we have already added (to name just a few) the beyond fabulous Huckleberry Bakery & Cafe, the amazing Milo & Olive, Susan the Baker's delectable toffee barks plus Mike's All American Softy Truck will be there selling ice cream sundaes, all sorts of coffee drinks and hot dogs...I mean really, does it get any better than that!

5. As far as gift certificates and items to sell we are adding...Porta Via Restaurant in Beverly Hills, Stan's Donuts - a UCLA/Westwood institution - my dad has been going since he was in grad school in 1949, The Organizing Architect (4 hours of professional Annette pulling your chaotic life into order), Tiffany Moore Dancing (have your cake and then have a blast working it off), cut and blow-dry by Maxime himself of The Salon by Maxime in Beverly Hills, Kids on Stage, The Paper Source, S & S custom notepad & pen from rep Debbie Goldberg of Halo Branded Solutions, S & S custom plastic cake knife from LoTech Sales in Colorado...these are just some of the new things we have...and all of this is in addition to everyone who has signed on again from last year's event...contributors will be updated on the website's Bake Sale Extravaganza page frequently so you can always check it out for up to the minute news.

6. We are working on securing the Mr. S & S will be hard to top Richard Lewis, Mr. S & S 2011, but we will at least get very close...stay tuned for that exciting announcement...

Well, if that doesn't have you all revved up and ready to ROCK 'n ROLL on May 19th my beauties I don't know what put your dancing shoes on - preferably stiletto types, come hungry for treats of all kinds and bring a wallet full of money to spend. I promise that you will have the time of your life...not to mention getting to feel good about helping feed women and children in your own community suffering from hunger and food instability.

If for some reason you can't come or live out of town please do not hesitate to participate by buying raffle tickets or just writing a donation check to either the Westside Food Bank or St. Joseph Center and sending it to:

Sugar & Stilettos Bake Sale Extravaganza
ATT: Nanci Christopher/Charity
11400 Olympic Blvd. - Suite 590
Los Angeles, CA. 90064

MERCI MILLE FOIS for joining me on this incredible journey of love, nurturing and passion for making a difference in the world...

xoxo Nanci

P.S. The first 50 people to show up will get a FREE S & S GIFT...see you on May 19th!

Monday, February 13, 2012

A couple of sweet Valentine's Day ideas...

Well, yes, here it is again that sweetest of days...Valentine's Day...whether you have a sweetheart or not doesn't make a wit of is still a day to celebrate love, chocolate and everything else of the sweet, sugary variety. I am going to offer up just a couple of ideas for you to ponder...each one delectable and sure to delight anyone you decide to share them with!

I simply LOVE these Buttery Shortbread Cookies of Sarabeth Levine's (Sarabeth's Bakery/NYC). They are light and melt in your mouth buttery down to their last crumb...the dough is so silky smooth that handling it is a wonder in of itself. Just yesterday I made these treasures for Valentine's gifts for my nieces and nephews. Instead of the fluted cookie cutters I normally use I used heart shaped ones and then covered  them with bright red heart decorations. I then wrapped each one individually in a little cello bag and tied a red stain ribbon around the top...adorable is not even the word!

Buttery Shortbread Cookies
If I were technologically savvy and you all know by now that I am NOT, I would have taken a picture of my little creation with my digital camera, uploaded it (or is it downloaded...I can never keep those two things straight) and then posted it on this very blog so you could see what I'm talking about and be inspired. Unfortunately, I can't quiet manage that with my new computer and all, plus my technologically brilliant niece, Casey, is not here to help me so you will just have to imagine it on your sorry about that! You can see, however, see what they look like in their fluted form above. In either case, these cookies are extremely easy to make and just IMAGINE how happy your cherished ones will be when they receive this bundle of love from me, they will be very happy...

The Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting (Magnolia Bakery/NYC), while not difficult, is more time consuming than the cookies but well worth it if you want to really impress someone. It is a gorgeous, huge (3 layer) hunk of a beauty queen cake...a sure fire dazzler if ever there was one....all it needs is a tiara!

Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese pretty!
However, to give full disclosure, be prepared for your kitchen to look a bit like the set of Sweeney Todd or one of those CSI shows...the red dye used to essentially make a chocolate cake look red, can get messy. I always try to be as careful as possible when making this cake but I still end up with a bloody looking's quite comical actually so I suggest giving in to your inner child who adores messes and you'll be fine. The end result will be a magnificent masterpiece...and you will be Queen for a Day in the eyes of whoever you make it for.

If you don't have time for baking of any kind...well, then simply go out and buy some red or chocolate candies (heart shaped marshmallows are nice too), wrap them up real pretty and give them to anyone who is dear to your addition to making that person feel loved and appreciated you will feel the same about yourself...a gift for everyone...

Happy Valentine's Day...hope it is filled with love, laughter and light...

xoxo Nanci

P.S. A special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Dad, Murray Neidorf, who will be 85 tomorrow...we call him our Sweetheart lucky and blessed we are to have him in our lives...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR/BONNE ANNEE 2012...avec chocolat bien sur!

Bonjour tout le monde et Bonne Annee 2012!

I sure am glad to turn the page on 2011 - oh, not that it didn't have some high points (i.e. Joshua moving up to Middle School and the 6th grade, the First Annual Sugar & Stilettos Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity) but there were other less wonderful events (i.e. my dad's health scare, my mom's back surgery) that I am happy to put behind me and my here's to a new beginning, a new year filled with good health, an abundance of joy, overflowing love and of course...chocolate...lots and lots of chocolate...because really is there any better way to celebrate life that to eat or drink something of the chocolate, I think not!

Jacques Torres' Chocolate Chip Cookies with Valhrona Feves
So, to get your 2012 off to the best start possible I am proposing the following three recipes for you to make ASAP...each and every one of them is tried and true, top of the line and sure to delight anyone you choose to share them with...

The first is my all time favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe by Jacques Torres/NYC. People the world over say that THEY have the best recipe but I guarantee you THIS ONE is THE ONE! I mean, really...look at those beauties...I dare you to tell me that these cookies are not DIVINE...and I made them in my very own little French country kitchen with my 1940's O'Keefe & Merrit oven...un vrai paradis...

Nutella Scones - OOH LA LA!
The second is for Nutella Scones...alright, let's get this straight...Chocolate Scones, with tons of chocolate in them...and then Nutella drizzled all over the tops of them and toasted hazelnuts to boot...did I just hear you sigh and swoon in a slightly wozzy way? Yes, I thought so.

Patricia Helding's Classic Fat Witch Brownies
The third (and certainly not last for any reason whatsoever) is Patricia Helding's Classic Fat Witch Brownies. I have tried a million brownie recipes (well, maybe not a million but a lot!) and this recipe is truly a classic. Patricia said it took her forever to be able to share it with the world (it's one of many of her treasures in her inspiring and fabulous book, Fat Witch Brownies)...and am I ever glad that she did. It is definitely my go to brownie recipe...crackly, moist and cakey all at the same time.

So there you have it mes belles...go forth and bake...go forth and make everyone (including yourself) incredibly happy with all these delectable chocolate delights...

xoxo Nanci