Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Babies, Babies, Babies...Axe're is in the house!

Well, as if life wasn't crazy enough right now, Joshua and I had house guests visiting from NYC for a few days last week...and not just any house guests...but Joshua's old babysitter, Vanessa, and her ten month old cupie doll baby, Axe're...what a pleasure and delight!

I am a total BABY person. I love, love, love babies...their sweet smell, their soft squishy skin, their funny little noises, their innocence, their infectious smiles and giggles, their chunky thighs and saucer sized eyes...in other words I simply find them irresistible and delicious. It is nearly impossible for me to pass one on the street without wanting to touch the little angel (I always ask first though because people are rather finicky about strangers overwhelming their babies with their unknown germs, etc).

Axe're in LA...how cute is he?!
So, even though life is quite hectic right now, it was a total joy to have Vanessa and Axe're with us... a wonderful reminder as to what's right and good in the world. Vanessa is a very calm and relaxed first time mommy and Axe're is a totally chill, happy baby (see picture above) much like Joshua was when he was a baby...lovely memories that fill me with longing...not for another baby to raise but for more time spent with babies...just gazing at them in all their magnificence.

The next time you feel yourself slipping into a funk of any kind find a baby to hold and let yourself get lost in their magic...I promise it will make you feel infinitely and immediately better!

That's all I've got to say for today...oh, and bake something...that always works too!

xo Nanci

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bethany Hamilton and her SOUL SURFER inspiration

Well, I have had my high speed button turned on for quite some time now...especially with all the zillions of things I have to do to get the first annual SUGAR & STILETTOS Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity ready for its debut on May 21st! It seems I spend every waking (and even some dreaming) moments consumed and obsessed with every minute detail of its planning and preparation. I just can't seem to stop myself...which is good in some ways and not so good in others.

Sunday was shaping up to be another day of continual work hunched over my computer and phone. There had been a tentative possibility of meeting up with my friend, Susie Coelho, and her daughter, Hailey, in the afternoon so I could get the six copies of her beautiful, autographed Wedding Style book to sell at the bake sale, but I hadn't heard from her yet so I got myself busy....very busy, while Joshua was at religious school.

Then, Susie called around 1130am asking when we were getting together. I threw up my hands and immediately gave in. We met at The Grove in the Beverly-Fairfax area of Los Angeles (my old neighborhood) and decided to see the movie SOUL SURFER...the real life story of then thirteen year old Bethany Hamilton's terrifying shark attack off the shores of Kauai, Hawaii where she lived with her family.

Joshua and  Hailey sat many rows away from us as pre-teens are apt to do. Susie and I sat eating our popcorn and sipping our drinks, both grateful for a a little break from our hectic lives as single mothers and artists/entrepreneurs. We had no real idea as to what we had just signed up for with this movie.

From beginning to end we both cried and sighed in disbelief and horror...and in awe of the unparalleled  courage, spirit and moxie this little Bethany Hamilton displayed as she faced the loss of her arm, the potential loss of her dream to be a professional surfer, her forever changed place in the world (the glare now focused on her) and the trauma of the shark attack itself. Her determination, her family's unfailing faith, love and support was so deeply moving, so incredibly inspiring as to render both Susie and I speechless and spellbound.

Bethany Hamilton is now 21 years old and is a professional surfer ranked amongst the best in the world. She is a role model for millions, an example of what it is to live your passion every day of your life, to overcome and conquer your fears and obstacles no matter what they are and to lead others by sharing the light you carry inside you. SOUL SURFER  is the story of a remarkable young girl that has turned into an even more remarkable young woman.

I urge you to see this movie with your children (they may not understand it in the way that you will but they will be better for having its images and messages forever in their brains). It will impact your life, it will re-shape your perspective. We, as humans beings, really can do ANYTHING we want to do and along the way we can CHANGE the world...even if it is just the immediate world and lives around us.

Afterwards, the four of us went to dinner (Susie and I definitely needed a glass of wine!). We toasted Bethany and her amazing family...reminding ourselves how lucky/privileged we all are and how much left we have to do while still on this planet.

Find the blessing in everything that happens to you...create light wherever you go...fill the world with your passion and dreams...live your best self...smell the roses along the way...be at peace...I wish this for myself, my son, my family and friends...and all of you.

xoxo Nanci

P.S. As a little treat to yourself (and by all means you deserve one!) make Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Whipped Cream...it is sinful, sinful, sinful on its own by the spoonful or dolloped on top of some other decadent delight...a wonder to behold!