Monday, January 31, 2011

Glorious Girl Talk

Last week was hell at my house. A conversation with the director and assistant director at Joshua's school just about put me over the edge. I thought I was going to lose my mind...I think that I almost did for a couple of days.

What saved me, really saved me, was looking forward to dinner out with my friends, Wendy and Linda, on Thursday night. We've known each other since our kids were two year olds in toddler class at pre-school. Even though the toddlers are now eleven years old, all at different schools, and in 5th grade getting ready to go to middle school in September the three of us have remained good friends. For years we have been getting together for dinner every couple of months (trying a new restaurant each time) to catch up and share life's mysteries.

Each of us had had a hellish week so we took turns ranting and raving in between sips of an, oh so lovely, red wine and mouthfuls of the fabulous food we had ordered. The venting made us all feel vindicated and heard, affirming for us that at least there was something right in the world...namely, our view of it! In addition to the venting there was plenty of laughter which always helps to soothe one's weary soul.

I left that dinner in a completely different emotional state and mindset from the one I began with and I've not looked back since. For me, the camaraderie and support of my girlfriends, in general, is a precious treasure. However, the history I share with Wendy and Linda is particularly meaningful because they are two of my first "mommy friends".  The bond began with our children yet as we continue to share the ever changing arcs of our lives our bond has deepened. I count them both as true blessings in my life.

So, go out today and fortify yourself with a dose of Glorious Girl will heal you, it will comfort you, it will remind you of the power you possess from within. I promise that it will make you float on air. But, before you do that, go straight to your kitchen and bake a treat to nurture yourself and then to share with your gals! I suggest CHUNKY LOLA COOKIES from Joanne Chang's new book, FLOUR, which is the name of her famed bakery in Boston. They are chocked full of so many yummy ingredients that there is something for everyone in them.

Amusez-vous bien mes belles filles!



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