Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sugar & Stilettos - an obsessive baking odyssey..the PLAY!

This isn't going to be a long blog today because I am in the throes of a creative whirlwind...and when the muse strikes an artist, an artist must heed the call!

The Sugar & Stilettos play is such a different animal than my first play, "AND BABY MAKES TWO - an adoption tale" which was a linear, pretty much straight forward telling of my adoption journey to my son, Joshua, as a single woman. The S & S play is not linear at all...it is a story that weaves my crazy family baking saga through many decades bouncing from one event to another in no particular order at this point.

I am clear where I want my story to begin and end, but literally have no idea how I'm going to get there. Every time I sit down to write, it is a mystery that unfolds before my very eyes. Believe me, I am as surprised as anyone as to what comes from my mind to my fingertips on the keyboard and then onto the written page. This kind of writing for me is about as terrifying and exhilarating as it gets.

Throughout the process I have gotten into the habit of just letting whatever is within me flow without reservation or editing of any kind. Then, I go back hours or even days later, re-read what I've most recently written and start changing things. At times I am astonished (and embarrassed) at how horrible some of the writing is and then sometimes I am astonished (and quite proud) at how terrific some of it is. I am always astonished at the miracle of the transformation of the writing into anything that makes sense.

In the end, I hope to have a play that will make people laugh, touch their hearts as well as delight and inspire their souls to soar freely...ahh, the magic of the creative arts. I know this process keeps me going in this often jaded, fame obsessed world. And the thought of sharing my "new baby" with all of you as soon as its ready absolutely thrills me!

Aren't they gorgeous?!
In the meantime, bake yourself a treat (that's what I do in between my energetic spurts of writing). The baking keeps my creative juices flowing and makes a lot of people happy since I give away most of what I bake. You might want to try this recipe...MAPLE CUPCAKES with MAPLE CREAM CHEESE FROSTING...it's a real winner and I highly recommend it!

So, go forth mes amis and fill your day with whatever creative/artistic endeavor makes your heart sing a happy song...

xoxo Nanci


  1. J'adore that cake plate... the ribbon touch FABuLOUS!!!

  2. Je l'adore aussi!...also have one with a gorgeous red ribbon...got them both in Chicago when I was visiting my best friend, Penny, last year...OH LA LA!
