Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's Almost Thanksgiving and Have I got a Recipe for You!

A pictured is worth a thousand words, n'est pas?! So, take a long minute and feast your eyes on the stunning beauty above that I created for Thanksgiving just for you...well, alright, not just for you, but with you (and me!) in mind. Forgive me for being redundant, but isn't she gorgeous?

Her name is Pumpkin Cheesecake with Marshmallow-Sour Cream Topping and Biscoff Cookie Crust. While the name may not fall trippingly off the tongue I guarantee you 100% that this creation of mine will make your taste buds sing with delight, shout from the mountaintops and say Hallelujah, Amen!

I dreamed this baby of mine up after looking at all the recipes for pumpkin cheesecake that I had recently accumulated in the whirlwind of Thanksgiving treats that was flooding my favorite magazines and blogs. I simply took the best of three recipes (one for the crust, one for the cheesecake, one for the topping), tweaked them a bit, added pecans as a decorative touch and put them VOILA a masterpiece!

I have nothing left to say...this posting is short and sweet (very, very sweet!)...except to say, go forth and bake this creation of will absolutely be the STAR BAKING DIVA of your Thanksgiving and friends will will applaud your brilliance and love you forever more...ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!

Happy Thanksgiving each and every one of you...may your day be filled with love, laughter, joy and everything deliciously sweet that life has to offer...

xoxo Nanci

P.S. This recipe is not difficult at all but it does take time due to the overnight just start a day early, take one step at a time and savor the fun...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkins, Cranberries and Maple, Oh My!

Yes, yes, yes FALL is in the air. As much as I love the spring and summer (they really are my favorite seasons) with an abundance of sunshine and beach days not to mention fruit desserts galore, ice cream and lazy days reading I also love the fall for its bounties...spectacular colored leaves (at least back east!), cool breezy nights and the beginning of more hearty foods to eat. I mean who doesn't love, love, love all things pumpkin, cranberry and maple?! HELLO Fall, Happy Halloween and Happy Thanksgiving...

So, if you haven't already started baking some glorious fall delights let me entice you to do so with these beauties...

Grandma Rose and Aunt Irene's Pumpkin Bread...this is by far my most requested and beloved recipe. Quite simply it is the most moist and delicious pumpkin bread I have ever tasted and apparently many others agree! You can make it in loaves, mini bundts or muffin form...whatever suits your fancy. You can also add chocolate chips, nuts, cranberries and/or a dollop of fresh whipped cream...just don't tell my Grandma or Aunt...they were purists and only liked it plain!

Orange Cranberry Cornmeal Cake...a Zoe Nathan/Huckleberry Bakery and Cafe (Santa Monica, CA.) recipe...this cake is to die will not be able to stop eating it...consider yourself forewarned!

Maple Walnut Layer Cake with Fluffy Maple Frosting...a Magnolia Bakery (NYC) recipe and one of the first things I made when I began my obsessive baking odyssey almost three years ago. This cake is so over the top wonderful you will not believe that, in fact, you made it your very own self!

Alright, mes belles, start baking and let me know how it all turns out!

xoxo Nanci

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Isn't that a great question?! My friend, Donald, gave me that quote written on a rectangular block of granite type material for my birthday several years ago. It has been sitting on my desk just next to my computer ever since. I look at it every single day. I ponder its meaning often, yet not often enough if the truth be told.

We, the big collective "we" including me, more often than not let our fears and insecurities get in the way (or completely stop us) from going after our dreams and passions. How ridiculous is that?! I mean, think about it for a minute...a fear or insecurity is really just a thought...a thought that only holds power over us if we let it...otherwise, quite frankly it's meaningless. There would be no artists, writers, entrepreneurs, business titans or medical breakthroughs (to name just a few things) if someone, somewhere didn't say to themselves, "To hell with the odds and statistics, the naysayers and doomsdayers, I  believe in this dream of mine and I'm going to go after it with all engines's going to make me happy to do so and most certainly others as well. My passion and perseverance will bring me join me in the fun or get out of my way!"

What's the absolute worst that can happen? Someone says no to you, someone doesn't "get" your vision, it takes longer and much more work than you ever imagined...well, so what! At least you are out there spreading positive energy around (and in my opinion the world is desperately in need of more magical, bright, positive energy - could we possibly ever have too much of that stuff...I don't think so!) and at the same time you are following your heart, your destiny, your bliss, your instincts...sharing with everyone the very essence of who you are and what you uniquely have to offer them. When fully engaged like that I truly believe that you (read me, too) are at the top of your game, the height of what it means to be a human being on this planet, experiencing the nirvana of life.

So I ask you again...What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Think about it, ponder it and then get up off your ass and do something about it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain...and do yourself another favor...bake yourself a treat and get lost in the thrill of it all...

xoxo Nanci

P.S. Here's one of my favorite recipes to get you started...Graham Cracker Pecan Chewy Bars...sinfully delicious.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Where did my baby go?

I don't know about any of you, but the older I get the faster time is slipping through my fingers. Oh, sure sometimes there are days that seem unbelievably long and trying and you simply can't wait for them to end... but what I've noticed lately is that the weeks, months and years are just flying by at super sonic break neck speed. It's quite disconcerting at times.

Joshua (eyes now big and brown) with Dolly & Binky)
I swear (and I would do so on the proverbial stack of Bibles) that just yesterday my son, Joshua, was a bouncy, roly, poly Buddha baby with thighs as thick and luscious as any you've ever in your life seen...with rosy, red cheeks popping out of his bowling ball head and blue-gray eyes that looked directly into your soul...a baby who possessed a gutsy, all out laugh that was so contagious strangers on the street often joined in. I SWEAR to you it was just YESTERDAY!

Joshua and Grandpa Murray/Halloween 2002
And yet, when I look at my son now what I see is a 5'3", 100 lbs., 12 year old lean, mean preteen machine that has been called "a player" by some of his Middle School friends. When I asked him about this moniker I was told that he was the "good" kind of player...someone who everyone liked. OOOkay...well, that's a relief to know.

It is very hard sometimes to reconcile the image of my baby with this new burgeoning human being...the one who still wants to cuddle and kiss in the privacy of our home but is becoming a bit reluctant to have displays of affection in the public realm...the one who is feeling out his new found freedoms, testing his independence and boundaries...the one who is increasingly embarrassed/annoyed by me and my behavior...the one who rolls his eyes and sighs in frustration but still wants to tell me every detail of his life and thoughts...not to mention that his body is morphing on a daily basis into this unrecognizable young man thing...all very normal but I have to say also very, very strange. Truly, it is like reading a mystery novel...every day when you turn the page you have absolutely no idea as to what is going to happen...what new adventure in attitude, body or mind you are going to be presented/confronted with. It is quite the that I am thoroughly enjoying...but can I also say that I miss my baby...I mean deep in the solar plexus miss my baby...

Joshua with Grandma & Grandpa/5th grade Moving Up Ceremony/June 2011
Maybe that is how it is for all mothers. You see your baby grow into a toddler, then a young child, then a teenager, then a young adult and finally who they decide they will be in the world...but in your heart of hearts they are always your baby...your sweet, innocent and in my case, chubby beyond measure, baby. I love and adore who Joshua is today and who he is becoming...his kind, loving heart, his sense of humor and justice, his intelligence, his patience and joie de vivre take my breath away and make me feel so proud... but I guess I will always pine a bit for my baby...his babyhood was the beginning of our life together...and for me there is simply no sweeter memory than that.

Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about lately...that and how blessed I am to be my baby's mommy no matter how old he is...

xoxo Nanci

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can we please talk about ice cream?!

OK, one of the great summer (or if you're me...fall, winter and spring as well) pleasures is eating ice cream or frozen yogurt. I'm not necessarily a purist, but most of the time I am just as happy with my ice cream or frozen yogurt plain as I am with some sort of topping or sprinkles embellishing the top in a fancy way.

The exception to that is at Fenton's Ice Creamery in Oakland, California...that bastion of ice cream excess that is a decades old tradition for UC Berekely students especially Cal's sorority girls which I once was. We (and when I say we I mean as in 10-20 of us) used to make regular treks to this place to where we literally inhaled the most humongous ice cream sundaes you have ever seen. The most popular one was (and still is) called a Black & Tan. Traditionally, the Black & Tan is served with layers upon layers of Toasted Almond ice cream, Vanilla ice cream (I go for all Toasted Almond ice cream...others have been known to go with all Swiss Chocolate - Fenton's is very accomodating when it comes to these kind of requests), caramel sauce and creamy dark fudge sauce, then topped with a huge mound of whipped cream, slivered almonds and a bright red cherry.

The parfait glass it is served in overflows to the point of being the time you've eaten just the top part of the ice cream and hit the glass part of the serving cup you've probably already consumed the equivalent of several ice cream cones. But you can't possibly stop because you have all that luscious caramel and fudge (made specially by the Fenton's people) to dig into...which you do by lowering your spoon ever so gently into the depths of that parfait glass bringing up the oozing stuff and plopping it directly into your salivating mouth. I'm telling you there is nothing much better than that. Within a distressingly short period of time you have hit the rock bottom of the cup still licking your spoon as well as contemplating licking the parfait glass to boot (the only thing holding you back is decorum...not wanting to look like a total pig in public though it is tempting).

Well, I am  here to tell you that I was able to walk down memory lane at Fenton's when I was in Berkeley visiting Tracy a week or so ago. I made her promise to take me there and God bless her she did. We split a crab salad sandwich (another Fenton's/Cal sorority girl staple) and then indulged our inner gluttons...Tracy with a Swiss Chocolate Milk Shake, me with a Junior Black & Tan - Juniors did not even exist when we were in college - I opted for that version only so I wouldn't seem completely out of control). It was all pure delight...every single spoonful more delicious than the one before...and every one totally reminiscent of the delectable tastes hidden in my cobbed webbed memory banks. Tracy and I had a bunch of fabulous moments in our few days together (not the least of which was cruising the magnificent UC Berkeley campus and feeling 19 years old again!) but that Black & Tan at Fenton's was the highlight...a sense memory bonanza!

There are moments in life that bear repeating and going back to Fenton's for me is one of them...I am already plotting my next trip. And if you find yourself in the East Bay Area at any time I highly recommend you giving it a try yourself...then for sure let me know what you think...

xoxo Nanci

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lovely Lazy Summer

I had big plans for this summer...big, big plans. I was going to really delve into my writing...specifically my new play, "SUGAR & STILETTOS - an obsessive baking odyssey". I was going to whip that first draft into tip top shape getting it ready for a first reading which is the first developmental step on the way to a workshop production, then a full production. Oh, yeah, I was going to be in the middle of a creative fire this summer.

Then, I was going to do a ton of recreational baking....tons and tons of new recipe baking...tons and tons of delicious, over the top yummy stuff that I would immediately get up on the S & S website.

Then, I was going to clean out Joshua's room...closets, drawers, shelves....everything. By the time he came home from sleep away camp on Aug. 7th, his life by way of his now perfectly overhauled room, would be transformed completely.

Then, I was going to get into shape...I mean REALLY good shape...lots of exercising, eating right and taking exceptionally good care of myself.

Well, I am here to tell you that I have done NONE of those things. Oh, I have read the first draft of my play exactly two times. And, I have tried a couple of new recipes. I have cleared out a few shirts and pants from Joshua's closet that clearly don't fit him anymore...I have even worked up a sweat once or twice...but that's about it.

Instead of a frenzy of activity, I have opted to do, well, not much of anything that requires effort of any kind. Instead, I have chosen to read A LOT of books. Now, I am always reading one book or another (few things make me happier than to be curled up with a good book) so that's no great change in my life except that I'm doing more of it than usual. I've probably plowed through at least seven books in the last month or so.

After dropping Joshua off at camp on July 20th I did go to Chicago to visit my best friend, Penny, for five days where I did enjoy eating a bunch of great food, going to the movies and seeing Jeff Garlin do his stand up routine at Steppenwolf. I've been home since Monday night and have been doing pretty much nothing ever since...a movie and a couple of dinners out if that counts at all. The next fews days I have more nothing planned and then  I'll leave for San Francisco on Tuesday to spend four days with my UC Berkeley friend, Tracy (yes, she of the Cal Cheerleading outfit fame). We are going to go to the theatre, eat a lot of great food, maybe go to Napa for a day, stroll on campus and pretend that we are nineteen again...yes, it's going to be grueling. I'll get home just in time to pick Joshua up from camp.

For the next month after that, I have to admit that I have more nothing whatsoever planned. I felt very guilty about all of this crazy low key energy in the beginning but now I've just given in to my lovely lazy ways of the summer of 2011. Some things are simply meant to's actually quite delightful and liberating.

So, my darlings. all I can say is follow your heart. If it tells you to be busier than a bee, than go for around to your heart's content. However, if it tells you to kick back and enjoy a long, slow ride for a while...well, do just still your heart...the world will most definitely be there for you whenever you feel like returning to the rat race!

xoxo Nanci

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Les Fleurs Magnifiques!

Is there anything better, really, than fragrant fresh flowers in your home or garden? Alright, maybe a close tie with the sensual scent of just baked sweet treats...but, come on, those fresh flowers, like the scent of a powdered baby's behind, melts my heart and my senses every fills me with such joy and serenity I don't know what to do with myself except to savor and enjoy the moment...all the while sipping a glass of wine, preferably a Provencal rose, and rocking rhythmically back and forth on my front porch rocker...ah, the nirvana of it all...

Bouvardia Flowers arrangement
I've always liked being surrounded by fresh flowers but it was during my time living in Paris that I really came to appreciate the beauty of a bouquet. I loved spending time cruising the stalls at the flower market on Ile de la Cite or just buying something at my local florist. Not a week went by without a new arrangement in my tiny 5th floor walk up apartment in the 5eme arrondisement (near the Sorbonne and the Jardin du Luxembourg). The flowers made my miniscule space seem bigger, more open, more inviting. And there are just certain things the French do with such flair that you'd have to be totally unconscious not to notice...I noticed the floral obsession as well as the wine, bread, pastry, fashion and food obsessions...OOH LA LA!

Back in the States I try to have fresh flowers in the house as often as possible plus my English style garden has been a priority since I had it designed thirteen years ago. Even though my front and back yards are very small my garden is a complete indulgence...way too expensive to maintain...but such a breathtaking delight and joy to behold that I can't let it go.

Vida Floral arrangement
My favorite flower has to be the incredibly fragrant Star Gazer Lily which literally fills my house with its intoxicating scent. I also love, love, love roses, peonies, sweet peas and jasmine...all flowers that are not only gorgeous to look at but also beautiful to smell. My Grandma Rose (my father's mother) used to have a rose garden at my Aunt Irene's house where she lived. I have such fond memories of her taking me by my little five year old hand out to her roses and smelling them together. To this day, every time I see or smell a rose I think of her.

Anyway, feast your eyes on the two arrangements above that were donated by Juliet of Bouvardia Flowers and Gabriela of Vida Floral for the Sugar & Stielttos Bake Sale you can see both extraordinarily gifted artists of the floral type....and next time you think that you don't have enough money to splurge on a bouquet of flowers for yourself and your home...think again and buy will change the way you live each moment all week long...

xoxo Nanci

Friday, June 3, 2011

Bake Sale Extravaganza much ridiculous FUN!

Well, to say that the first annual SUGAR & STILETTOS Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity on May 21st was a HUGE success would be a bit of an understatement. To say that is was ridiculous FUN would be another crazy understatement. Then to say that is was beyond all expectations and oh, so yummy and delicious would also be an insane understatement. I think you get the picture.

The day before, on May 20th, my house was a beehive of activity with volunteers headed by super club member, Eleanor Strauss, accepting deliveries of homemade treats all day long and packaging them in our beautiful Sugar & Stilettos finest. Deliveries and pick-ups of many of our professional treats went on throughout the day as well. My friend, Tracy McAllister (a UC Berkeley friend of over 30 years), came down from the Bay Area to help for the entire weekend...she literally drove all over the Westside for amazing is that?! My friend, Madeline Cripe, who lives on the valley side of Los Angeles, drove around that side of town picking up tons of stuff and then bringing it all over the hill to my house. Again, I say, how cool is that?! Like these people have nothing better to do than help me...really...I am so blessed.

I was in constant motion...never leaving the house but busy, busy, busy...putting out small fires as they came up getting the finishing touches on a thousand last minute things. I don't think I even sat down until late that night when Joshua was finally asleep and everyone was gone. Even then I had to take some Tylenol PM to insure that I would sleep at least a bit because my heart was racing like nobody's business with all the excitement of what was soon to come after so many months of hard work, planning and plotting.

Saturday morning, I was up at the crack of dawn grabbing a hot cup of coffee to fortify me (my morning ritual) which comforted me greatly. Then the parade hairdresser, Stephanie, arrived at 830am to give me her best S & S Up-Do fitting my tiara just so (see photo above) was my one beauty indulgence...alright I had another sister-in-law Jacklynn, a professional hair and make-up stylist, helped me with my make-up in the morning and throughout the day did touch ups (not to mention helping with just about everything else!) was such a luxury and made feel like I was back in my soap opera acting days in NYC.

First, Miki Harris, (caterer, friend and sister of the above mentioned Tracy), came and started whipping my house (front and back yards) into a sea of hot pink perfection. Tables were draped in pink, balloons were hung, flowers placed just so...and then the parade of treats and merchandise began...piled high was a sight to behold. Tracy continued to do the last of the pick-ups and her other sister, Lex (she of the fabulous promo skills and creator of our stunning S & S aprons) was also an impressive whirling dervish. The troops of volunteers began showing up to help and away we went into never, never land!

By the time "doors" opened at 11am we were ready. The first 50 people got a free S & S gift (an adorable transparent cutting board)...each entrant got a raffle ticket and then every 20 minutes a winner was chosen...the prize was a FREE pastry of their choice and believe me there were a million choices! One of my personal favorites were the gorgeous cupcakes that owner, Leslie Danelian of Sweet Butter Kitchen and Cafe in Sherman Oaks, designed especially for the bake sale (see photo above)
S & S PARFAIT(perfect) are those beauties!

My brilliant niece, Casey, continued to have great ideas that made things run more smoothly and wonderfully plus she was one of our extraordinary photographers (BTW she had just graduated with honors from Emerson College in Boston the week before!). Barbara Jansen also took breathtaking photos that Casey and I are still sorting through. Gabby Greigo was expertly videoing every minute of the lovely pandemonium. Club member and event volunteer co-ordinator, Lisa Murphy, took to the megaphone and practically found herself a new career. Celeste Figmaka Candido turned into a selling machine. Wendy Morales and her friend, Linda Ramos, held down the fort at the cashier's table.

The music blasting out into the warm air and sunny skies was put together by my talented son, Joshua, who also headed up the Kid's Table with his friends...they all did a terrific job of setting up and selling their treats...welcoming every child who wanted to participate and helping every customer decide what to buy or sample. Michael Warren (Hill St. Blues), Kathleen Noone (All My Children) and Nancy Sullivan (Drake & Josh) all showed up to lend their support. Genevieve Ruitort of the Westside Food Bank and Paul Rubenstein of St. Joseph Center were with us to answer questions about their organizations and the tireless work they do helping those most in need. And my parents, God bless them, took prominent places in the middle of all the backyard activity marveling at the controlled (slightly!) chaos that their daughter had created and eating their fair share of sweet treats. It was quite the circus atmosphere...

At 1:30pm my good friend, comedien and actor Richard Lewis, arrived. His wife, Joyce (also a good friend and unbelievable mentor who had already been at the event from the beginning) and I circled around Richard getting him ready for the piece de resistance that we had been cooking up for months. Can you guess what we convinced him to do in the name of a good cause? Probably not...check out the photo, your eyes are not deceiving you...that IS Richard Lewis in stilettos and a tiara...OOH LA LA! He was such a good sport about all the cameras that went immediately flashing in his face. It was such a delicious (sorry, couldn't  help it!) moment and time during the event.

The merriment continued...people laughing, eating, dancing...children and adults alike generally being joyful and happy. To top it off, when Joshua and I went to count the money later (like 10pm) this is what we discovered...combined with the pre and post sales I did we raised over $6,000.00 and we're still is still coming in and I have high hopes that we will reach $7,000.00. Do you know how many women and children the WFB and SJC will be able to feed with that money? I can tell you that it is literally hundreds, perhaps that is really something to feel proud of...makes me feel just silly giddy. I'm thinking at least $10,000.00 next year...why not, right?!

As the day ended the sense of community created and the raised awareness was awe inspiring...simply put...priceless. Everyone started talking about the 2012 Extravaganza...what more could I ask for?

Merci beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup to each sponsor, donor, volunteer and customer who came and shared in our passion and mission...there are far too many of you for me to name personally in this blog but believe me, I know who you are and am eternally grateful.

When you have time don't forget to check out the Bake Sale Page on the website plus our Facebook and Twitter pages for more details plus tons of pictures and video will all be posted very soon...that way you'll be able to relive the fun or feel it for the first's MAGIC is'll have a smile on your face and a glow in your heart for days...

xoxo Nanci

Monday, May 16, 2011

We're building a MAN CAVE!

Well, my son, Joshua, at almost 12 years old, is on the cusp of puberty and all things associated with teenagers...loud music, shaggy hair, fits of attitude and high drama emotions, flirtations and ridiculous appetites (especially for mother used to call my brothers "human garbage disposals" when they were this age). In other words, life is in a hugely transitional state. Joshua is moving up from elementary school in a short month, beginning middle school in September so the future is imminently full of new challenges, adventures and excitements.

Several years ago I made some slight changes to our garage to create a playroom space for Joshua and his friends...lots of shelving and baskets full of toys, art supplies and various costumes/dress up stuff. I stuck in a couch, a table with four chairs, some indoor/outdoor carpeting and slapped some paint on the walls...done deal. In the backyard, there was a play apparatus with a slide, a fort, a swing, and various other things that were a treasure trove of fun. This was all perfect for Joshua's life and development at that time.

However, we are now dealing with an entirely different beast...literally and it was time to make some changes, some BIG changes. The first thing to go was the play apparatus....gone with the wind. The next was to modify the garage playroom.

I had heard, but never personally used, the phrase "Man Cave". It seems in recent months that this term has become common in the daily vernacular, so we decided to call our new venture the "Man Cave" Project. We're starting small because I just can't afford to everything at once right now. This doesn't seem to bother my son in the a matter of fact, it seems to heighten the excitement...each change a true celebration.

So, the first thing we did was to get a black slip cover at Target for the decrepit army green couch...the couch itself is in fine condition, the color is simply fading and quite ugly. Joshua and I had decided on a black/grey/white theme with a few splashes of red thrown in so the couch was an easy fix. While at there, we also got some little black ottomans that can serve as foot stools or seating...muti-tasking furniture...very cool! Then we added a nifty microwave that Joshua insisted on putting in his bedroom first to"break it in". We researched a compact refrigerator/freezer and decided to wait until it went on sale which it did several weeks later. In our spare time (ha, ha!) we got some spray paint and repainted the red tables and chairs a glossy, slick black. Things were beginning to look mighty much so that several adult men in our lives were begging for a special pass to gain entry.

The next step, of course, was a trip to Ralph's to stock up on supplies...all the good teenage junk food required of such a place...cup of noodles, sodas, ice cream, mozzarella sticks, mini-sliders, gatorade, get the can NEVER have too much of this stuff. Now, that meant we also needed paper goods and some shelving to house it...done deal, easy peasy. We were on a roll!

The following things require more money and so will have to trickle changing out the regular garage door for a walk-in type door with plexiglass windows so Mom (me) can look in at anytime and see exactly what is happening inside the "Man Cave". I want every young adolescent (boys and girls alike) to be acutely aware that I will be able to walk by without any notice whatsoever and just peek should keep a slight handle on the types of activities that will be engaged least that's what I'm thinking, hoping and praying for.

Since the indoor/outdoor carpeting is already in place we're in good shape there...just need to give the walls and beams a fresh coat of white paint. Then we'll add a rod and some cheap (though color coordinated) curtains to hang up covering the shelving that still must house luggage and various boxes full of stuff/junk.

The last and most crucial "piece de resistance" will be a flat screen television that will allow the young burgeoning persons a place to watch sports, movies and play a ridiculous amount of Wii/Nintendo/Video games...all the while eating that somewhat disgusting panoply of teenage junk food, whether it be hot or cold.

So, there you have it...can't you just see this vision of Joshua's "Man Cave" as it rises up to take its place in the hallowed annals of architectural excellence? Can't you just feel its "cool, ultra hip vibe"? Honestly, I can't tell you who is enjoying this or my son.

Hope you're having as much fun with your child as I am with mine...

xoxo Nanci

P.S. Since there has been precious little time to do recreational baking, what with the Sugar & Stilettos bake Sake Extravaganza for Charity coming up this Saturday,  May 21, 2011/11am-3pm...OOH LA LA...I have been taking advantage of my friends, Jane and Donald Lockhart's, SWEET LADY JANE Bakery...Jane's pastries are sooo very good...and even though I am a chocolate person by nature I simply swoon over her Coconut Cake (she's donating one for the bake sale). Do yourself a favor if you live in the LA area...go there and get a piece...if you don't live nearby check out the website and plan on going when you next come to Los won't be disappointed!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Royal Wedding Affair...oh, to be so young, so beautiful and so in love!

I am not really a royal watcher per se and I had convinced myself that I was happily going to sleep through the LIVE televised nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton catching every little bit of the event later in the day when it would, most certainly, be running on a continuous, non-stop loop on every television station, network and cable.

So, I was shocked to find myself awake and glancing at my clock at exactly 3:22am. My then surprising  response (at least to me) was to bolt from my bed to my tiny family room clicking on the televsion as quickly as was humanly possible...especially since I already knew that the real action had begun at 3am PST.

By the time my eyes were no longer in a blurry haze I was able to see that William and Kate (or Catherine as people were now calling her) were seated to the right of the center altar. I kept waiting for them to get up and say their vows...mostly because I just wanted to see the full effect of Kate's dress having obviously missed the grand entrance 22 minutes earlier. For me at that moment it was all about the dress.

I can't tell you how long it took me to realize that they had said their vows at the very beginning of the whole spectacle and in doing so had deprived me of my God given American right to see it all LIVE (oh, just forget that I  had not intended to do so in the first place...just never mind about that). I was beyond frustrated as I struggled to stay awake long enough to get through all the church music and shots of the Queen who NEVER cracked a smile or even the hint of one...she is one piece of work that one! I mean, for goodness sake, it was her grandson's wedding...wasn't she the least bit happy about that?! Oh, well, never mind about that, too.

The music was actually quite lovely and the grandeur of the centuries old Westminster Abbey was something to behold indeed...but it was Prince Wiilliam and his new bride, Catherine (now together the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge) who took my breath away. They were both so poised in the face of such enormous pressure and scrutiny. William was shy and low key in the way that his mother, Diana, was before her fame took over. He was constantly and lovingly gazing at Kate, holding her hand as if to reassure her that he was (and would always be) there to guide her through this new fishbowl life she had just signed up for. And then, there was Kate/Catherine looking as serene and quietly elegant as a human being possibly could. She was so stunning, so classy, so dare I say perfect, that I'm sure I was not the only one who was left spellbound. Though journalists and others liked to remind everyone that she was considered a "commoner" I don't think that there is one thing "common" about Kate Middleton. In fact, I would go as far as to say that that young woman has more class in her pinky finger than all of those royal Windsors combined. Good for Prince William for realizing that he was the luckiest guy on the planet to have found her.

As most of you know, I never found my Prince Charming (at least not yet...but let's be honest here, time is running out!)...anyway, I can say without hesitation that I would be ill suited for the royal life. I would never be able to keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself, my past though not racy would come back to haunt me I'm sure plus I don't possess the kind of natural elegance and grace that would be required to really pull it off with any dignity at all. So, I don't secretly long for a real prince...but what I found myself truly envying was how much in love William and Kate appear to be...such a sight to behold...such magic, such wonder...yes, I admit it, I do envy them that because I would like to feel like that again... it looks like a piece of heaven.

Around 4:22am I decided that I better get back to sleep if I was ever going to get through my day with what is left of my brain intact. I staggered back to my bed feeling giddy and quite joyful actually...very happy for Prince William and his new bride, Catherine...oh to be so young, so beautiful and so in love...

Sweet dreams to them and all of you...

xo Nanci

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Babies, Babies, Babies...Axe're is in the house!

Well, as if life wasn't crazy enough right now, Joshua and I had house guests visiting from NYC for a few days last week...and not just any house guests...but Joshua's old babysitter, Vanessa, and her ten month old cupie doll baby, Axe're...what a pleasure and delight!

I am a total BABY person. I love, love, love babies...their sweet smell, their soft squishy skin, their funny little noises, their innocence, their infectious smiles and giggles, their chunky thighs and saucer sized other words I simply find them irresistible and delicious. It is nearly impossible for me to pass one on the street without wanting to touch the little angel (I always ask first though because people are rather finicky about strangers overwhelming their babies with their unknown germs, etc).

Axe're in cute is he?!
So, even though life is quite hectic right now, it was a total joy to have Vanessa and Axe're with us... a wonderful reminder as to what's right and good in the world. Vanessa is a very calm and relaxed first time mommy and Axe're is a totally chill, happy baby (see picture above) much like Joshua was when he was a baby...lovely memories that fill me with longing...not for another baby to raise but for more time spent with babies...just gazing at them in all their magnificence.

The next time you feel yourself slipping into a funk of any kind find a baby to hold and let yourself get lost in their magic...I promise it will make you feel infinitely and immediately better!

That's all I've got to say for today...oh, and bake something...that always works too!

xo Nanci

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bethany Hamilton and her SOUL SURFER inspiration

Well, I have had my high speed button turned on for quite some time now...especially with all the zillions of things I have to do to get the first annual SUGAR & STILETTOS Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity ready for its debut on May 21st! It seems I spend every waking (and even some dreaming) moments consumed and obsessed with every minute detail of its planning and preparation. I just can't seem to stop myself...which is good in some ways and not so good in others.

Sunday was shaping up to be another day of continual work hunched over my computer and phone. There had been a tentative possibility of meeting up with my friend, Susie Coelho, and her daughter, Hailey, in the afternoon so I could get the six copies of her beautiful, autographed Wedding Style book to sell at the bake sale, but I hadn't heard from her yet so I got myself busy....very busy, while Joshua was at religious school.

Then, Susie called around 1130am asking when we were getting together. I threw up my hands and immediately gave in. We met at The Grove in the Beverly-Fairfax area of Los Angeles (my old neighborhood) and decided to see the movie SOUL SURFER...the real life story of then thirteen year old Bethany Hamilton's terrifying shark attack off the shores of Kauai, Hawaii where she lived with her family.

Joshua and  Hailey sat many rows away from us as pre-teens are apt to do. Susie and I sat eating our popcorn and sipping our drinks, both grateful for a a little break from our hectic lives as single mothers and artists/entrepreneurs. We had no real idea as to what we had just signed up for with this movie.

From beginning to end we both cried and sighed in disbelief and horror...and in awe of the unparalleled  courage, spirit and moxie this little Bethany Hamilton displayed as she faced the loss of her arm, the potential loss of her dream to be a professional surfer, her forever changed place in the world (the glare now focused on her) and the trauma of the shark attack itself. Her determination, her family's unfailing faith, love and support was so deeply moving, so incredibly inspiring as to render both Susie and I speechless and spellbound.

Bethany Hamilton is now 21 years old and is a professional surfer ranked amongst the best in the world. She is a role model for millions, an example of what it is to live your passion every day of your life, to overcome and conquer your fears and obstacles no matter what they are and to lead others by sharing the light you carry inside you. SOUL SURFER  is the story of a remarkable young girl that has turned into an even more remarkable young woman.

I urge you to see this movie with your children (they may not understand it in the way that you will but they will be better for having its images and messages forever in their brains). It will impact your life, it will re-shape your perspective. We, as humans beings, really can do ANYTHING we want to do and along the way we can CHANGE the world...even if it is just the immediate world and lives around us.

Afterwards, the four of us went to dinner (Susie and I definitely needed a glass of wine!). We toasted Bethany and her amazing family...reminding ourselves how lucky/privileged we all are and how much left we have to do while still on this planet.

Find the blessing in everything that happens to you...create light wherever you go...fill the world with your passion and your best self...smell the roses along the at peace...I wish this for myself, my son, my family and friends...and all of you.

xoxo Nanci

P.S. As a little treat to yourself (and by all means you deserve one!) make Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Whipped is sinful, sinful, sinful on its own by the spoonful or dolloped on top of some other decadent delight...a wonder to behold!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Raise your hand if you LOVE malted milk balls!

It's no secret that I LOVE all things sugary and sweet...find it nearly impossible to turn anything down that even resembles a cake, cookie, pie, bar, brownie, crumble, candy...well, you get the idea. And as much as I like high end desserts (think French pastries) and chocolates (think La Maison du Chocolat in Paris) I am often just as happy with a Snickers or Butterfingers candy bar...which brings me to my absolute devotion to malted milk balls...their thick outer layer of chocolate combined with their crunchy malt interior just drives me wild with excitement.

Now, of course, there are the Whopper variety, which will do in a pinch. It was certainly the brand of choice (well, alright the only choice) during my childhood. However, over the years I have done exhaustive research...from local candy shops in Los Angeles to Dylan's Candy Bar in NYC to various "bon bon" shops in Paris and throughout the French countryside. I have found decadent Espresso Malt Balls, Easter Egg size Malt Balls in pastel colors and everything in between. I could eat these things day in and day out if anyone would let me...then again who's to stop me!

So, imagine my delight when I opened my "BAKED - New Frontiers in Baking" book by the fabulous Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito and found a recipe for a stunning Milk Chocolate Malt Ball Cake. It's three layers high, chock full of malted milk and decorated with malted milk balls...can you even believe that such a thing exists?! I was beyond happy...I literally floated on air while reading the recipe.

Oh, be still my heart!
I set about to make this beauty queen and along the way ate so many malted milk balls (of the Easter Egg size variety no less) that it's a miracle I am still here today to tell the story. It is simply delicious and I implore you to make it straight away.

That's really all I have to say for the go forth and BAKE mes filles (et gracons)!

xoxo Nanci

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm on a Roll...more Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity news!

I know, I know...I'm starting to sound like a tape recording on a forever loop saying the same damn thing over and over again but PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, WITH OODLES OF SUGAR ON TOP bear with me.

This Sugar & Stilettos Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity on May 21, 2011 continues to grow and astound me every day. I've been able to sign up several sponsors, businesses and individuals, (i.e. City National Bank, State Farm Insurance, Marci Baron at Teles Properties, Laurie Newbound, Madeline Cripe, Eddie Schwartz, Edna Neidorf, Richard & Helena Neidorf to name a few). Each of these sponsorships, plus the others I'm still pursuing, will aid us tremendously in covering those costs we must incur. The more costs that are covered like this, means more money can go directly to the Westside Food Bank and St. Joseph Center's Food Pantry to feed those women and children we so desperately want to help. That just makes me smile big time!

I'm also continuing to get donations of baked goods as well as gift certificates and baskets to sell/raffle off. Added to the list most recently are treats from Isamax (Wicked Whoopie Pies) in Grenier, Maine, amazing artisan pies from Stephanie Jayne at CRUST, cupcakes and custom made stiletto cookies from Dan Shapiro at Modern Bite and luscious pound cakes from Nancie McDermott of Chapel Hill, North Carolina (along with 12 autographed copies of her incredible books, Southern Cakes and Southern Pies). As for other items, I now have a $500.00 white gold necklace with a white gold and diamonds stiletto charm from XIV Karats LTD, movie passes from Landmark Theatres, a bag of signature goodies worth $50.00 from Trader Joe's, a facial worth $75.00 from Blush LA, a $100 certificate from Celeste at chic Pecha Salon in Santa Monica and floral arrangements galore from Vida Floral owner, Gabriella, in Orange County.

To top it all off, Paul Reiser (Mad About You), Michael Warren (Hill St. Blues) and Peter Bergman (Emmy winner for The Young and the Restless) have joined the Honorary Advisory the specially designed Sugar & Stilettos things are rolling in...the refrigerator magnets, transparent cutting board and note pads are so cute, the aprons are irresistible, the Fifi Flowers notecards are divine and the piece de resistance the S & S Pink Tote is beyond adorable...a MUST have...and it's only going to be $5.00...OH LA LA!

My passion is overflowing for this event...the entire process and journey is making me so happy..and that's not to even mention the fact that the first draft of the play, "SUGAR & STILETTOS - an obsessive baking odyssey" is done and is being developed for a reading and eventual production. What truly just began as my next play is morphing into something that will magically encompass the parts of myself I most value (other than being Joshua's mom which is #1 no question!)...those being my artistic/creative side, my philanthropic/community side and my businesswoman side. Three pieces of a puzzle that fit together via Sugar & Stilettos in a way I could not have possibly imagined even a short time ago.

Imagine these babies with a lovely cup of coffee or tea!
They are a little messy but, oh so YUM!
To celebrate all this good fortune and a future of re-invention (not to mention a present) that is brimming with new paths and possibilities I decided that I had to do some baking...big surprise! So, I made some Scottish Scones with dried wild blueberries and pecans and Farmeeoh Sandwich Cookies.

With all that said...and MERCI vraiment for listening once again, I leave you to find your passion and pursue it to its is never too late to find yourself...never too late to find your bliss!

xoxo Nanci

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Menopause anyone? Laissez les bons temps roulez!

Can we please talk about menopause, perimenopause and all that goes with it? I mean, really, as if us women don't have enough to do and contend with we've got this roller coaster ride to endure!

When I started perimenopause way back when in my early forties I thought the hot flashes and sleepless nights were going to literally do me in. I think I didn't sleep through the night for a good year or two...waking up every two or three hours became my norm. I was often drenched from the night sweats not to mention having gone through the entire day having hot flashes every fifteen minutes or so...and I mean flashes where I was dripping in sweat, red in the face and wanting to run down the street naked screaming bloody murder at the top of my horrendous an image as one could possibly conjure up. This was all in addition to the lovely mood swings, never knowing when my next period was coming and alarming memory lapses. My poor son (five years old at the time this began) must have been the only kindergartner who even knew what a hot flash was...he'd look at me practically tearing my hair out, sweat cascading down my face and proclaim..."Oh, Mommy, you're having another one, aren't you?"

As you might remember I adopted Joshua from birth as a single mom so while I have enjoyed my fair share of lovely sexual relationships/encounters I never actually used my uterus for its intended purpose...the bearing of children. So, one day at my annual exam and in the middle of this delightful stage of my life, I innocently asked my OB-GYN what I thought were a couple of completely reasonable questions. One, how long will this perimenopausal phase of my life go on for? And, two, since I never even used my uterus and have endured 35 years of  crippling cramps, lower back pain, the ruin of many a pair of underwear and other clothing items plus numerous sheets (sometimes leading to horribly embarrassing moments)...shouldn't I at least get a "bye" on this other end of it? Wouldn't that be fair? Wouldn't that be just and righteous? To which my adorable OB-GYN said, "Perimenopause can go on for years. There is no way to tell exactly. Also, I'm afraid that NO, there is no"bye" like in a tennis tournament. You're going to have to go through it like everyone else." I immediately responded in a very mature way saying, "I don't like you anymore and I'm not going to pay you for today because that was so not nice of you to tell me that even if it's the truth."

It's quite crazy to watch your body, not to mention your psyche, morph before your very eyes while you have seemingly no control over any of the changes...they simply appear and you must either accept/come to terms with them or find some way to modify them (i.e. cosmetic surgery and other expensive, risky procedures). I tell you that when I look in the mirror these days I absolutely do not recognize myself. My inner self is still 25...well, alright 35...but my outer self is...well...older to put it mildly. Oh, yes, people still say how wonderful I look for my age (that is if they can actually drag the truth out of me!)...however I say that that particular response is the kiss of know you've crossed some kind of invisible line when you hear it. I mean, really, who wants to look good for one's age for god's sake...I just want to look GOOD! Oh, Boo Hoo for me, because those days are clearly gone!

So, I've done what most of us in this predicament have done. I try to watch what I eat a little more to fend off gaining more than the common "menopausal ten" pounds that magically appears around one's waist and invades one's breasts. Yes, along with everything else, your waist expands and your breasts get one really knows...they just do. Maya Angelou has said that she is fascinated waiting to see which of her breasts will end up at her knees first. I think that's a very enlightened and fun way to look at it. Unfortunately, I am not Maya Angelou...I am not that evolved.

I also try to keep to a regular exercise routine (believe me, it doesn't always happen, though I have the best of intentions) to at least release some much needed endorphins to help with the mood swings as well as to allow me to continue to eat some of my beloved sweet treats. Honestly, if I couldn't have my sugar fix I'd truly be beside myself with grief and profound sorrow.

So, as always, for me it comes back to sugar...and then, of course, that leads to salvation, my saving grace, the secret to my soul. I know that sounds a little overboard but that's the way I am if you didn't know that already.

Here is a recipe that I recently can not stop's simple and easy and totally melt in your mouth delicious...BUTTERY SHORTBREAD by Sarabeth Levine from her terrific new book, Sarabeth's Bakery - From My Hands to Yours. These shortbread cookies are great as Sarabeth has them written in her book but there are many variations that you can do as version with ground nuts works beautifully (Sarabeth personally recommended it to me) and one with cocoa nibs that I came up with on my own (Sarabeth approved!) also works quite well.

Aren't they pretty?!
There you have it mes filles...I'm a little bit older, I'm a little bit crazier, I'm a little bit more out there with my opinions...but I'm also a happy home baker and happier mom plus a few other things.

Wishing you a glorious evening filled with sugary delights!

xo Nanci

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm tired today...what about you?

Some days I have more energy than a roomful of toddlers and other days (thank goodness not that many) I can barely drag myself through the day. On those days it seems as if just getting out of bed, getting dressed and brushing my teeth is a major accomplishment. Does that ever happen to you?

Since my young adult days (meaning after I graduated from UC Berkeley) my pattern has been to run, run, run at maximum speed and then completely crash in utter exhaustion for a day, a week or even longer if a dash of depression is thrown in. I don't think that this is exactly a good recipe (no pun intended) for living a balanced life which I really want to do...have been trying to do for years. Being an artist doesn't help a bit since creativity seems to come in waves...often when one least expects it...and when the creative spirit moves you I don't know an artist who can resist the call.

So, the question begs...what's to be done to quell the unbalanced beast? How can one make one's days more sane and even keeled over the long haul or is it simply a pipe dream to think that it is attainable on any level? I honestly don't have the answer. Of course, my most recent remedy is to the very minimum it slows me down and while I'm baking, the rest of the world and its worries magically do not exist...they simply float away. Same happens if I am engrossed and engaged in a great book.

If you have any other suggestions to offer up to me that work for you (other than baking!) I am certainly open to them. It seems that one can't have too many good ideas where this is concerned. In the meantime, I think I'm going to head off to the kitchen to bake Joshua his beloved Crumb Buns with Chocolate Chips.

Don't they look yummy?!
Happy Monday, Happy Week, Happy Balanced Life...

xo Nanci

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day - Happy 84th Birthday Dad!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone but especially my Dad, Murray Neidorf, who officially turns 84 today! Because tonight is a crazy night in restaurants and it is also a school night our family congregated at my parents' house last night to celebrate and toast my amazing father. Can you tell that I still have a bit of the "Daddy's Girl" of my my youth in me?!

As you might remember last year my dad requested my Grandma Rose's (his mother's) Nut Sponge Cake for his birthday which turned out to be a HUGE hit. This year when I asked him what kind of cake he wanted (fully expecting that he would want my grandma's sponge cake again), at first he demurred but then he confessed that he wanted the Chocolate Coffee Cake with Coffee Buttercream Frosting and Chocolate Ganache that I had made over the holidays. 

My dad loves, loves, loves all things flavored mocha or coffee (except a cup of coffee itself) and this cake was no exception. He had called me a couple of days after tasting it just raving about how wonderfully delicious it was. Of course, that made me so very happy to know that I had another winner on my hands.

Stunningly beautiful, don't you think?!
I set out to make the cake on Saturday because while it is not a difficult recipe, it is one with several steps and is quite time consuming...but well worth every bit of effort (see photo above). I thought that I would make it in stages over two days but I ended up being enchanted with it and made it all in one day...3pm-10pm...OH LA LA!

Well, let me tell you the anticipation of cutting into that cake and watching my father taste it was almost more than I could bare. When the moment did arrive it was magical. After singing a rousing and very off key Happy Birthday (in my family we are known for a lot of things though singing talent is not one of them) my dad began cutting slices. This is a three layer, butter laden beauty so he and I shared a was mother at the other end of the table was swooning in delight as was everyone else.

Me & my Dad years ago before I went "naturally blonde"!
However, the piece de resistance was really later on after everyone, except Joshua and I, had left. Now it was time to wrap up all the remaining slices for my dad's special drawer in the freezer where he squirrels away all his treats to methodically eat one at a time when the mood strikes him, which is quite often as he has a highly trained sweet tooth (a trait I have so obviously inherited). We stood side by side as if we were well trained assembly line workers. He finished cutting up the rest of the cake in neat slices, I wrapped each one separately and tightly in plastic wrap, then handed them to him to lay ever so delicately in the freezer drawer. My mother couldn't stop laughing...quite the comedy routine. Job well done I drove home quite content indeed.

It may be too late to bake this extraordinary cake tonight for your sweetheart (or just someone you love)  but do try it some are sure to win his/her heart forever...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY...may your every day be filled with love and all that makes you happy...

xoxo Nanci

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity Madness!!!

Well, as some of you might already know, the first annual Sugar & Stilettos Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity is slated for May 21, 2011/11am-3pm on the Westside of Los Angeles...exact location TBA closer to the date. The beneficiaries are the Westside Food Bank and St. Joseph Center's Food Pantry in Venice (CA).

A Stunning Manolo Blanik from the First Baking Club Meeting
The planning is underway and rolling along full force. I can't tell you how exciting it is to be creating something at a grass roots level that has the potential to do such good in our community. Our mission is to raise funds that will be donated to food service programs (see above) and to also serve as a role model of what we can do to help end the issues of hunger and food insecurity in the United States. Did you know that overwhelmingly it is women and children that are going hungry? As a mother myself and an American I find it scandalous and incomprehensible. Since I can't personally write those big checks, the S & S Bake Sale Extravaganza is my way of trying to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to help those most at risk and in need.

And let me tell you, not only will this first event raise money and awareness it is going to be a whole hell of a lot of FUN!!! Take a look at what is already happening and in the works:

1. Honorary Advisory Board (partial list): Ed O'Neill (Modern Family), Laura Innes (ER, The Event), Paul Reiser (Mad About You), Armin Shimerman (Star Trek - Deep Space Nine), Kathleen Noone (Emmy Winner/All My Children), Lee Blessing (Pulitzer/Tony nominated playwright), Dawn Steinberg (EVP Casting/Sony Television), Charlotte Roe (Facts of Life), Peter Bergman (Emmy Winner/The Young and the Restless), Donald Martin (Writer, Lifetime's The Craigslist Killer), Susie Coelho (Lifestyle Goddess), Melanie Marnich (Writer, HBO's Big Love), Michael Warren (Hill St. Blues), Mary Lou Belli (Director/Girlfriends), Ronnie Yeskel (casting Director/Quentin Tarantino films, HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm), Kevin Kilner (Actor), Jordan Baker (Actress), Harley Jane Kozak (Actress/Mystery Writer). In the works are Kathy Griffin, several of the Desperate Housewives, Yvette Nicole Brown, Jane Kazmarek, Ana Ortiz, Chris Noth, Peter Facinelli, Melina Kanakeredes and on and on...we are expecting some of our "celeb" board members to make an appearance at the event...TBD...

2. Donated Professional Baked Goods: Sweet Lady Jane, Jamaica's Cakes, Susie Cakes, The Cheesecake Factory, Clementine, Marmalade Cafe, The Sensitive Baker, Sweet Butter Kitchen & Cafe, The Cheese Box at Wally's, LuLu's Sweets, Yummy Cupcakes plus Molly Taylor and her The Sweets Truck (which includes a full service espresso bar, cold milk and other beverages). In the works among others are: Huckelberry Bakery & Cafe, Essential Chocolate Desserts, Joan's on Third, Susina Bakery, Magnolia Bakery, Isamax Snacks, Nothing Bundt Cakes and on and on...

3. Raffle Items: Collection set of LaLicious Body Products in Sugar Kiss, One hour in home massage, One hour workout with a private trainer, 3 blowouts at DryBar, a vintage French cake plate from Vintageweave Interiors and 3 tiaras fit for a QUEEN/GODDESS from Shelly's Dancewear! Tickets will be $10.00 each, winners will be chosen at the end of the day.

4. Items for Sale (list growing): S & S refrigerator magnets, sticky pads, cutting boards and aprons, Fifi Flowers specially designed notecards, autographed books by famous bakers like Dorie Greenspan, Sarabeth Levine, Matt Lewis & Renato Poliafito (BAKED), Patricia Helding (Fat Witch Bakery), stiletto cake servers, sexy rubber gloves for the kitchen, S & S eco-friendly re-usable tote bags and so much more!

5. Gift Certificates to buy: Westside Tavern Restaurant, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Tartelette Bakery, The Container Store, a one hour private French lesson from Sylvie Targhetta, five (5) hours of babysitting from Sylvan Guerveno, a mani-pedi at Hana & Her Sisters...just the beginning...

The S & S Bake Sale Extravanganza will be a child friendly event. My son, Joshua, will head up a Kid's Table of treats as well as a Lemonade Stand. Other tables included will be: Scones & Muffins, Brownies & Bars, Quickbreads, Cakes, Cookies, Cobblers, Crumbles & Pies, Savory, a Gluten-Free, Vegan, Sugar-Free, Nut-Free table.

So, my lovelies, MARK YOUR won't want to miss this incredible event! And if you can't make it, you can still participate by writing a check to either one (or both) of the charitable organizations and sending it to us at our office address. We will bundle those checks with all the other money we raise. Be on the lookout for more details on the website as we get nearer the actual date of May 21st.

I've got to run...there's still so much to do...wish me luck and say a few prayers that I stay sane throughout this process...

Your Fearless Leader/Baking Goddess,

xoxo Nanci

Monday, January 31, 2011

Glorious Girl Talk

Last week was hell at my house. A conversation with the director and assistant director at Joshua's school just about put me over the edge. I thought I was going to lose my mind...I think that I almost did for a couple of days.

What saved me, really saved me, was looking forward to dinner out with my friends, Wendy and Linda, on Thursday night. We've known each other since our kids were two year olds in toddler class at pre-school. Even though the toddlers are now eleven years old, all at different schools, and in 5th grade getting ready to go to middle school in September the three of us have remained good friends. For years we have been getting together for dinner every couple of months (trying a new restaurant each time) to catch up and share life's mysteries.

Each of us had had a hellish week so we took turns ranting and raving in between sips of an, oh so lovely, red wine and mouthfuls of the fabulous food we had ordered. The venting made us all feel vindicated and heard, affirming for us that at least there was something right in the world...namely, our view of it! In addition to the venting there was plenty of laughter which always helps to soothe one's weary soul.

I left that dinner in a completely different emotional state and mindset from the one I began with and I've not looked back since. For me, the camaraderie and support of my girlfriends, in general, is a precious treasure. However, the history I share with Wendy and Linda is particularly meaningful because they are two of my first "mommy friends".  The bond began with our children yet as we continue to share the ever changing arcs of our lives our bond has deepened. I count them both as true blessings in my life.

So, go out today and fortify yourself with a dose of Glorious Girl will heal you, it will comfort you, it will remind you of the power you possess from within. I promise that it will make you float on air. But, before you do that, go straight to your kitchen and bake a treat to nurture yourself and then to share with your gals! I suggest CHUNKY LOLA COOKIES from Joanne Chang's new book, FLOUR, which is the name of her famed bakery in Boston. They are chocked full of so many yummy ingredients that there is something for everyone in them.

Amusez-vous bien mes belles filles!



Monday, January 17, 2011

The Nirvana of Reading

I can think of few things that I like better (or that make me happier) than to curl up in my bed with a good is absolute nirvana for me. Getting lost in a wonderfully written book is like arriving in least my version of it.

I have been voraciously reading since I was a little girl; first pouring over my Girl Scout Handbook, Nancy Drew Mysteries, anything about Helen Keller, even cereal boxes. I graduated rather quickly to 500 page books, mostly novels but some non-fiction, that I borrowed from my mother who was also constantly reading. To this day my night stand is always stacked high with books that I am reading or want to be reading in the near future.

My favorite story about reading is this one...I was about 15 years old. It was an early Sunday afternoon and I was still in my pajamas. Since I was in the middle of an amazing book (though I can't remember which one it was!) I settled myself onto the living room couch knowing I'd be there for hours and hours. Sunlight streamed in through the ceiling high picture windows. The view of the San Fernando Valley below was crisp and clean, a rarity for usually smog laden Los Angeles.

At some point several hours later I had a vague feeling of something going on around me...but it was only a vague feeling. Though this feeling came and went all afternoon it didn't at all distract me from my book. I just kept reading determined to finish my mesmerizing book by the end of the day.

When I finally finished the book as the sun was setting around 6pm I began to sit up. To my utter surprise I realized that my precious cat had been literally sitting on top of my head all afternoon and that that vague feeling I'd been having was her kneading my head and hair. I laughed out loud at the spectacle of it...6 straight hours of reading a book with a cat on top of my head digging her claws into my hair and skull...and I had not a clue. Now, that's a good book!

There is no way I could ever make a comprehensive list of great books to read (I certainly am no scholar) but here are a few (recent and old in no particular order) that have left an impression on my heart and/or soul...I hope that they may do the same for you...

1.  No Language But a Richard d'Ambrosio
2.  The Immortal Life of Henrietta Rebecca Skloot
3.  Bad Ayelet Wladman
4.  Inside, Herman Wouk
5. The Drama of the Gifted Alice Miller
6.  The Paolo Coelho
7. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Dave Eggers
8.  Angela's Frank McCourt
9.  The World According to Garp and Cider House John Irving
10. The Color of James McBride
11. Stones from the Ursula Hegi
12. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and Shanghai Lisa See

Nanci's Nirvana Bars
A suggestion before you start...bake yourself a little treat so you are fortified for your literary journey. And I may be bold here but I am going to recommend my new creation, Nanci's Nirvana Bars. I adapted these sinfully rich and delicious bars from a well known San Diego bakery, Bread & Cie, recipe...and it is nirvana. Combine a bar with a cup of coffee or tea and you will be good to go as they say...

Happy Reading! Happy Eating!

xoxo Nanci

P.S. I will post the recipe on the website within a week or will be well worth it!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, I am just coming out of the fog of the holiday madness. I still feel a bit drugged to be honest. Having gotten Joshua back to school yesterday was a push in the right direction though it was not a day that began easily. There was a major meltdown (his, not mine, which would come later) at breakfast. I guess all that anxiety about having to once again do some actual school work was simply too much for my little prince. Whatever the reason, by the time I picked him up at the end of the day he was all smiles and good humor. So much for me having spent the day racked with worries about how to make things better.

In any case, I am back at my computer writing this blog, back to the overwhelming task of planning the first annual SUGAR & STILETTOS BAKE SALE EXTRAVAGANZA for charity, back to trying to keep my head above water, financially and emotionally (as opposed to drowning), back to sanity and balance (sort of) and back to exercising after a three month hiatus full of fun physical therapy due to a ripped muscle in my left hip (don't ask). Thus, 2011 begins for me and everyone else on the planet.

As I am getting my sea legs back so to speak I wish you all a year of abundance; good health, joy, love and laughter, not to mention the delicious delight of a few baked treats now and then. I wish you the courage to dream big, to aim high, to take risks and leave your comfort zone for the untold rewards that that bravery will undoubtedly bring you. I wish you precious moments with those you love and an open heart to let new people, places and experiences into your life. I wish you the resolution of old hurts. And, of course, I wish you success, personally and professionally...imbued with a serenity filled inner peace.

Happy New Year one and all..may it be spectacular in every way!

xo Nanci