Well, as you MUST know by now I just LOVE to bake! It's been an absolute obsession for the last two years. I don't necessarily bake every day because I don't always have the time or the inclination. But, I do bake often and often I bake several things in one day...oh, the flour and sugar fly on those days!
Mixed Berry Cobbler |
Recently, I've been on a roll...having gotten my baking mojo back after a slow, lazy summer...and I couldn't be happier about it. There really is something magical about turning simple ingredients like eggs, flour, butter, cream and sugar into the most sinful of delights. And I particularly like the
rush of trying a new recipe, especially when my efforts yield the same result as the picture in the book...oh, how
that just makes my day!
Fat Witch Brownies |
I totally block out the world when I bake. I become one with my ingredients, practically self-medicated by the sheer sweetness of it all. The very act of getting my hands immersed in flour and butter soothes my soul and makes me feel once again like a child playing. My imagination soars, my heart opens up and I am happy just to be...
Coconut Cream Cake with Coconut Vanilla Buttercream Frosting |
My Grandma Rose and my Aunt Irene (women
way ahead of their time...may they both rest in peace) have got to be kvelling wherever they are because they are the ones that originally taught me how to bake. And even though it took me
forever to realize my
"calling" as a
Baker Goddess/Diva/Mom their passion for nurturing through their baking and cooking continues to inspire me.
In addition to my baking madness, the SUGAR & STILETTOS world is growing steadily. I am half-way to the first new draft of the play, "SUGAR & STILETTOS - an obsessive baking odyssey", the Baking Club has begun its second year and the first ever BAKE SALE EXTRAVAGANZA for charity is set for
May 21, 2011....mark your calendars!
Hope you're having as lovely a week as I am having...be sure to bake something...it will change your perspective on everything!
xo Nanci
P.S. The recipes for the above pictures are not on the website yet but as soon as they are I will update this post with their links so you can try them in your own kitchen. There are many other pictures I could share with you of treats I've made in recent weeks but I don't want to taunt and torture you...it's just not nice...
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