Monday, November 12, 2012

The S & S Executive Committee is back in action!

Just a quick little blog to let you know that the Sugar & Stilettos Executive Committee had it's first meeting of the new season yesterday...OOH LA out 2013...we are on our way!!!

We were so happy to see each other again and start planning the 2013 S & S Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity already slated for Saturday May 18, 2013...MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!

So many good ideas were being bantered about to create an even more spectacular event. We all agreed that the MOST important improvement we can make is to get a lot of PR...meaning television coverage, print stories, radio interviews and internet do that we may have to pay BIG TIME for some professional help...hopefully if we do have to pay maybe some kind hearted PR maven will at least discount their fees (but not their passion for our mission!). If any of you have any ideas or know anyone that could help us in this area please, please let us is key to growing the event and thus raising more money for the Westside Food Bank and St. Joseph Center's Food Pantry program.

Remember that EVERY dollar counts...the Westside Food Bank can turn a dollar in to four (4) meals and St. Joseph Center can fill a bag of groceries for less than $5.00 (retail value $40.00)...everyone can truly make a difference in a child/family's daily life.

Our beautiful meeting table
Besides all our planning we ate, drank, laughed and were quite merry. I even made my sinfully buttery NYC Style Crumb Cake to go along with all the other goodies and champagne. We also welcomed another Nancy (this one with a "y" not "i" like me) to our group. She is a long time friend of Jacklynn and Casey's and brings to the table a wealth of non-profit experience not to mention a passion for baking. Welcome Nancy to our crazy and sweet Sugar & Stilettos world!

As always I'll keep you updated with the latest S & S news...happy baking!

xoxo Nanci

Friday, November 9, 2012

Joshua and Louis ROCK THE HOUSE at the Operation Mend Presentation!!!

Me, Joshua, Louis and my Parents
Well, I know I just wrote a blog about Joshua's Bar Mitzvah...and I know, well, at least I think I know that I mentioned that Joshua would be donating a good portion of his Bar Mitzvah money to Operation Mend at UCLA and that that amount, $6,500.00, would be matched by my parents' friend, Christa Burke, through her foundation bringing the total to $13,000.00...not to mention a handful of donations that have been made directly to OM.

Joshua and Louis with Operation Mend founder, Ron Katz and his daughter-in-law, Dana
However, I also know that I didn't say anything at all about the television interviews or the article by AP that has gone viral nationally including making it on to The Huffington Post or all the radio coverage the story got this morning including NPR...well, because I couldn't, because it hadn't happened yet...and because it was all so unexpected and last minute. Oh, there was a plan for the presentation of the check with Joshua and Louis at the Operation Mend offices but all the press stuff began to happen just 24 hours before that event which was yesterday at 4pm...OOH LA LA and then some!

Louis in front of the camera
Once Amy Albin of UCLA's Media Office called me (she is a real cracker jack!) with the news of some of this press attention, life became a whirlwind of activity. There were television interviews with KCBS/KCAL, KABC and Fox News plus a phone interview with AP...the excitement for everyone was electric...and there was celebrating all around....lots of smiling, happy people.

Joshua and me happy as can be
Afterwards, Joshua and I went out to dinner with Louis, my parents and sister-in-law, Jacklynn Evans, who is simply the BEST aunt in the world, not to mention extraordinary cheerleader! We had such fun... and our hearts were lifted with the privilege of being able to be fully engaged, caring human beings...simply magical.

Needless to say...even though I am very tired today I am beyond proud of my son, my family, our beloved Louis and the entire crew at Operation Mend. Please feel free to make a donation if you are so inclined...

xoxo Nanci

P.S. Here is a picture of Stella Dahlman (22 months), Louis and Laura's adorable daughter...another reason to smile.

P.S.S. If you have a minute or two here are two of the links to check out the television reports...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Joshua's Big Bar Mitzvah Day!

OMG...I cannot believe that it has been so long since I last wrote a blog...please forgive me! My only excuse is that I've been a little bit busy. I had barely recovered from the 2012 Sugar & Stilettos Bake Sale Extravaganza for Charity when I had to head full speed ahead with the final planning for Joshua's Bar Mitzvah...OY VEY and OOH LA LA is all I can say. I swear I am still in a stupor from this year of uber organizing!

Me, My Parents, Cantor Kent, Joshua, Rabbi Joel on the Bimah
Anyway, I am thrilled to report that the Bar Mitzvah was an absolutely incredible experience for one and all. Joshua did a brilliant job with his Torah portion, his Haftorah, his D'Var Torah...well, just all things Torah! I was so proud of seeing both of my parents so happy was an extra special bonus.

The night before my parents hosted a dinner for all the out-of-town guests plus a few in town folks. There was Josh wine (yes, there is a vineyard in northern California that produces Josh wines!), Josh photo cookies and a lot of eating, drinking, laughing and loving.

The Bar Mitzvah Boy/Man
The next morning began by getting to the temple a bit early to start the picture taking with our nearest and dearest. I hobbled around because, of course, I had to get a stress fracture on my right foot two weeks before this momentous event...however, I will tell you that there was nothing that was going to keep me from enjoying this day to the fullest. In fact, a few days in advance I told all the people that I had hired that I was no longer available...that they had "to talk amongst themselves" and solve any last minute problems because I was now in pure enjoyment mode. Gratefully, they all listened to me, and if there were any snafus, to this day I still don't know about them.

The Cousins
Our guests were streaming in the entire time. With a bunch of pictures already taken, everyone headed into the sanctuary where the service was to take place. Our wonderful Rabbi Joel and Cantor Kent lead the service with our Senior Rabbi Zoe making a special blessing at the end. Throughout, Joshua held his composure, a remarkable feat considering all the pressure and preparation leading up to was me and my parents, not to mention many of our friends and family members, who lost it at various times. Particularly touching was the presentation of the Tallit (prayer shawl) by my parents, the aliyahs said by our closest family and friends and the passing of the Torah from one generation to another. So amazing to think that we were now a part of this four thousand year old tradition.

Confetti Blast during Traditional Chair Dance
Greatly relieved and ready to party everyone went out into the lobby to have a nosh and a drink before going in to the Social Hall for the party and luncheon. There was rock and rollin' dancing galore, great food, the candle lighting ceremony, the Joshua montage, my thank you/welcoming speech and Joshua's presentation of a Medal of Honor for our Operation Mend soldier, Louis Dahlman...a standing ovation for Louis spontaneously happened and I assure there was not a dry eye in the house, including Louis himself...a priceless, breathtaking moment.

Grandpa & JB with their matching rings
Joshua's Mitzvah project was to raise awareness for the Operation Mend program at UCLA whose mission it is to heal the wounds of war by helping to heal our wounded warriors. We have been a buddy family for Louis and his family for over three years...for us, they are now a part of our family forever...we adore them. It was a privilege to be able to include Louis, Laura and their toddler daughter, Stella, in this celebration...all of it Joshua's idea. Joshua also decided to donate $6,500.00 of his Bar Mitzvah money to Operation Mend which was matched by my parents' friend, Christa Burke, through her foundation bringing the total to $13,000.00 plus a few other donations that were made directly to the organization. I simply couldn't have prouder of my son than I was.

I could go on and on but I won't...I know you get the idea...suffice it to say, it was a glorious day filled with profound meaning and gravitas, but also humor and fun...and much, much love. A perfect day in every way...

xoxo Nanci