For me, it is my niece, Casey, that ROCKS my world and has ever since she arrived on this planet almost 22 years ago. She is by far the most extraordinary young woman I have ever known; intelligent, talented, creative, hysterically funny with an unbridled joie de vivre, loving, kind, patient, ambitious, trustworthy and responsible to name just a few things. Oh, did I mention, that she is also beautiful to look at?! I know that I am not the most unbiased of observers but trust me when I tell you that there are many others that see in Casey exactly what I see.
My sweet niece started spending the night at my house when she was just 3 months old. I used to keep a porta crib in my guest room that I pulled along side my bed whenever she was over. Nothing made me happier than to wake up to her her smiling, joyful face in the morning...quite simply, it was a drug, pure auntie nirvana. Casey's smile still makes me feel that way.
I started calling her Muffy from the moment I laid eyes on her though I can't tell you exactly why. Muffy became Muffy Doodle which then became Muffy Doodle-Doo Girl. My brother, David, her father, couldn't stand that I called her those names but I told him in no uncertain terms that that was between me and Casey...that as soon as she told me to stop calling her that I would, so he should just be quiet. To my brother's credit, he stopped complaining about it (at least to me)...and to this day Muffy Doodle-Doo Girl (or some variation of it) is still what I call there you have it!
Casey and I have evolved from little girl beanie babies, sour apple strips, ballet lessons, jog-a-thons, The Little Mermaid, tea parties, cartoons and brownies for breakfast to grown up conversations about race relations, gender identity, behavior in the work place, passion for your life and work, the importance of the creative/artistic process, the meaning of family and friends in one's life among other topics...all the while laughing (often uncontrollably) at life's various dichotomies. In a word, as Casey has grown and matured so has our relationship. As with my son, Joshua, she has taught me (and continues to teach me) far more than I'm sure I have taught her.
We are currently working on several projects together while she is doing an internship at an LA based production company for the next several months before finishing up her senior year at Emerson College in Boston. In addition to baking which we both LOVE, LOVE, LOVE (one of Casey's favorite recipes is the GRAHAM CRACKER PECAN CHEWY BARS), we are writing a children's book, working on the SUGAR & STILETTOS website (she has been absolutely invaluable in bringing me and the site into the 21st century as our Director of Media Marketing - check out our FACEBOOK and TWITTER pages) plus she is helping me transform my garage into a hip, preteen boy hangout space for Joshua. Since spending time with Casey is such a delight and high priority I am trying to think of as many projects as possible that I can get her involved in!
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Casey Jumping Over the Ocean |